Monday, July 7, 2014

There is a reason "WHY" behind everything we do. Today I want to share with you all the reason I became a Beach Body Coach and what drives me to keep doing it.


6 months ago I was newly married and eager to start my family. After working for years and years as a nanny I knew I DID NOT want to have a nanny for my kids. However, I was EAGER to start my family despite having a plan for when babies came. So my Husband and I decided we would just figure it out as it came, we went off birth control in December and tried for a couple months to get pregnant.
Come beginning of March we found out that we were EXPECTING! We were both SOOO excited and could barely keep it to ourselves. Anyways.. fast forward a few weeks- something wasn't right. Something felt off. After a week or so of intense cramping I went to see the Dr and found out that I had a "blighted ovum", which is basically when an egg implants and starts to form but the embryo stops developing very early or not at all. Well, we were super disappointed.

I had a few options for how to move forward- we chose to wait it out and try to let things happen naturally. Well that didn't happen, so we did the next most natural thing and took pills to induce a miscarriage. That didn't work either.. so we tried it AGAIN, and this time it worked TOO WELL.. anyways, over the next few weeks I was in and out of the hospital OVER and OVER, including 2 trips to the emergency room, 2 D&C's, & an overnight stay.

Needless to say, this was SUPER stressful and EXPENSIVE, as I missed two weeks of work for recovery after the OVERLY traumatic miscarriage. In the end, it took me 2 months to fully miscarry and go back to a normal life. During this time I had a lot of time off form work to reflect. I realized that I needed to stick with my original game plan of being more financial stable before having kids, and that I had to come up with a way to be financially stable AND work from home so I could spend my days with my kids and fur babies, and not leave them with a nanny or in daycare.


I had pondered the idea of coaching a few times and even looked into it a time or two and talked to my coach Kati Heifner about it, but didn't move forward. Then one day I saw this AMAZING opportunity for a 21 day coaching accelerated group from some of the best in the whole company. I JUMPED RIGHT ON IT! I always knew that I LOVED helping people and was interested in health and nutrition. Something just clicked and I knew this was for me! I had seen what my coach could do with the business in 3 short years and I WANTED IT BAD!

So here I am now, 2 months into coaching. My business is growing quickly and I'm eager to pass it on and help others do the same! My goal is to go FT with my coaching and leave my nanny job by May 2015, this WILL HAPPEN!

This brings me to my WHY! WHY did I decide to coach and make this change in my life? Because I want to be healthy and fit for my family, I want to be financially stable, I want to work a job that I LOVE and provide for my family. Most of all, I want to work from home where I can raise my kids at the same time.


I'm sharing the story with you all because I want to inspire people to go after their dreams and turn them into reality. I also want to encourage others who have gone through this same thing to PICK THEMSELVES UP and keep going! Find the positives in your experience and let them lift you up higher!

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